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Silly Limbic books and the resources on this site are designed to help children start life with tools to achieve positive mental health. It can useful to those who are struggling with mild mental health issues such as low self esteem, fear, anger, sadness. 


However, some children, and their parents, may need a little extra help. The charities and groups listed below are not personally endorsed by me but are publcially available for you to contact should you wish to to faccess further help.


Family Line

Helpline: 0808 800 5678


It is not unusual to feel you need help with a problem. Even with support from family or friends, you may feel they are just too close to help or understand you. Maybe you just don’t ever really feel heard. We provide help and emotional support by listening to all your family problems.


Family Lives

Helpline: 0808 800 2222


Family Lives is a charity with over three decades of experience helping parents to deal with the changes that are a constant part of family life. We know that many people play active roles in raising children, from dads and mums, grandparents, stepparents and non-resident parents. Our role is to support all of you to achieve the best relationship possible with the children that you care about, as well as supporting parenting professionals. We recognise that the best way to support families is to provide professional, non-judgmental support and advice in a way that all members of the family can freely access. We provide this through our 24 hour helpline, extensive advice on our website, our email and live chat services, befriending services, and parenting/relationship support groups.


ParentLine Scotland

Helpline: 08000 28 22 33


We get calls from parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, neighbours and friends who all want the same thing - to try and make things better. Many callers get in touch with us when they are at the end of their tether and feel like they can't cope anymore. Sometimes callers are embarrassed about asking for help but they soon find that just talking things through can really make a difference. If you have a problem, don't wait until you feel things get out of control.



On-line advice and tips sections for all matters relating to parenting and bringing up children. Sections include education, general help centre, health, sports and much more.​





Gingerbread is the charity which works nationally and locally, for and with single parent families, to improve their lives. We achieve change by championing their voices and needs and providing support services.


Families Need Fathers

Helpline: 0300 0300 363


Help with shared parenting issues arising from relationship breakdown whether you’re the mum or dad, married or unmarried.


Grandparents Plus

Call: 0300 123 7015 if you’ve lost contact with a grandchild

Call: 0300 123 7015 if you are looking after a relative’s child


Grandparents Plus is the national charity which champions the vital role of grandparents and the wider family in children’s lives – especially when they take on the caring role in difficult family circumstances. We do this by:- Campaigning for change so that their contribution to children’s wellbeing and care is valued and understood. Providing evidence, policy solutions and training so that they get the services and support they need to help children thrive. Advising and supporting grandparents and wider family members to ensure they have access to a holistic service, offering them professional advice, information and casework support; and by ensuring that they can have a voice and help each other, especially when they are caring for children who are not living with their parents.


New Family Social

Helpline: 0843 289 9457


New Family Social promotes the care and upbringing of children by LGBT adopters and foster carers by allowing these families to socialise and share support in a safe environment. It helps to create a wide pool of adopters and foster carers by raising awareness and encouraging and supporting adopters and carers, and by promoting their utilisation and fair treatment. It also works to advance public awareness and acceptance of these families in the interest of the growing number of children being cared for by them.



Info Line: 08000 50 20 20

Parenting help and advice


Stonewall works to achieve equality and justice for lesbians, gay men and bisexual people. We do this in a number of different ways: by carrying out research, developing ideas and policy that remove discrimination and improve the lives of lesbians, gay men and bisexual people. By Challenging the underlying cultural and attitudinal values that allow discrimination to flourish. Changing cultures and attitudes to positively value diversity and providing information because well-informed individuals and institutions are better able to recognise how rights and responsibilities should be exercised.


Pink Parents


Pink Parents offer a range of support services and social activities for all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual families, whether you are considering parenting, have grandchildren, are fostering or adopting or are an Uncle or Aunty, PinkParents can offer you support and a place to meet new friends.


Being a step parent


BeingAStepParent contains over 90 articles written by experts who continually update and add new content.


Mothers 35 plus


Mothers 35 Plus started in June 1998. Since the site first went online it has become so popular that it is now a permanent fixture, attracting many visitors from all over the world.


Mothers Over 40


Mothers Over 40 is a positive and encouraging resource for all older parents and those planning to conceive after the age of 40 and upwards.


Young Minds

Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544


National charity committed to improving the mental health and emotional well-being of all children and young people.


Contact a Family

Helpline: 0808 808 3555


Providing advice, information and support to the parents of all disabled children - no matter what their disability or health condition.


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